Our Programme

Based on the best and latest educational research and practice, I Get Maths engages and inspires students, enabling them to:

  • Understand and connect mathematical concepts and ideas
  • Understand how and why methods work
  • Use and apply methods confidently and flexibly
  • Formulate and ask mathematical questions
  • Think and reason through challenging problems
  • Bounce back and learn from their mistakes

I Get Maths classes are for children aged 7 (Year 3) to 16 (Year 11)

Using sharp assessment, and information provided by you on entry, we place your child in the group that will best challenge and support them.

Whatever their starting point, we will enable your child to make strong progress and improve their mathematical skills and understanding.

If your child has fallen behind in maths or has some gaps in their mathematical understanding, we have classes that enable them to grow their ability and confidence; grasp how and why methods work; and make mathematical connections, allowing them to use and apply their understanding to seek out, investigate and solve challenging problems.

If your child is already at, above, or well above expectations for their age we have lessons that challenge your child further, providing the support and guidance to understand more advanced concepts, methods, and strategies.  These lessons provide regular opportunities to solve complex and challenging problems and explore through mathematical investigation, enabling your child to deepen their understanding and develop and communicate their mathematical thinking and reasoning.

I Get Maths Tuition Prices

  • Easy monthly payments by Direct Debit
  • £82.00 per month (equivalent to £16 per hour)
  • FREE INITIAL ASSESSMENT and verbal feedback on your child’s mathematical strengths and weaknesses, mathematical age and standardised score

Underpinning principles of I Get Maths

I Get Maths is underpinned by educational research. Below is a summary of the key principles that underpin our programme:

Deep understanding (Boaler)

Understanding how and why methods and strategies work enables children to connect, use and apply them in any context: known as generalisation. Regardless of age or ability, children need opportunities to pose, solve and investigate challenging problems and learn how to think and reason through them.

Relational understanding (Skemp)

Children need to relate mathematical concepts so they can build on their prior learning and make connections to other areas of maths and other subjects. In the short term, it takes more time to learn this way because children have to understand the concepts and the connections. However, in the long run, understanding concepts relationally makes them easier to use and apply because each new concept relates back to and connects with an overall conceptual structure for maths: a schema.

Building a more complete schema gives children a feeling of greater confidence in their ability to find new ways to solve problems because their understanding is more adaptable to new tasks. Their awareness of possibilities also enlarges so the process of learning and inquiry continues and becomes rewarding intrinsically.

Growth mindset (Dweck)

In the growth mindset children understand mathematical intelligence is not fixed but can be developed and grown i.e. I do not understand this area of mathematics yet. Children learn to value new learning and challenge above looking smart so are prepared to take risks by seeking out and tackling challenging mathematical questions and problems. Challenge, appropriate to age and ability, provides children with the opportunity to persist in the face of setbacks; learn from mistakes and take on board constructive feedback.